Giustino Frioli


Born on 4 August 1944 in San Lorenzo, the historic Roman marble district in Rome, Giustino Frioli is the heir to an ancient descendants of stone workers, who can be traced back to his great-great grandfather Liguorio Frioli, sculptor of Rimini, and continue with his great-grandfather Leopoldo, owner of a sawmill with an adjoining travertine workshop in Bagni di Tivoli. From Bagni di Tivoli, the Friolis moved to Rome, to the discrit of San Lorenzo, bringing  their workshop with them.

At a very young age, Giustino began to follow his father Spartaco in the family workshop whenever he didn’t have to study. Afterwards, he decided to turn his attention to the building industry, graduating as a surveyor in 1964. He then was hired by ENEL (the Italian multinational manufacturer and distributor of electricity and gas), where he was mainly involved in the design of civil buildings and works connected with the production and transmission of electricity. In 1978, he obtained a degree in architecture and passed the examination for professional qualification, officially becoming an architect.

His passion for marble and stone, so deeply rooted in the history of his family, never ceased, and in 2008, together with his cousin Adriano, a marble craftsman, master of art, who continued the historic family workshop in San Lorenzo, he joined Rome’s Università dei Marmorari. In 2011 he was one of the founders of the Cultural Association of Rome’s Università dei Marmorari, becoming a member of the Board of Directors as Secretary.